Meet the Team


Our doctors work in a partnership and as a group. Although you are registered with a named doctor, you may see any of the doctors in the partnership. However, we encourage you to remain with one GP for routine appointments to improve continuity.

MB BS (London 1991), DRCOG (London 1994), MRCGP (London 2000)


EMCC Mentor Practitioner
GKT MSc in General Practice

MB, ChB (Thessaloniki Greece 1988), MRCGP (London 1998), MSc (GP) (London 2002), TLHP (Bristol 2004)

Nursing Team

Nurse Practitioners

Dawn Davey    

Andrew Parry

Tracey Hurley  

Healthcare Assistants

Angela Bond

Becky Wilkins


Katie Seward


Chelsie Short

Emma Mifflin

Practice Nurses

Beth Hewitt 

Ellie Lyons

Aimee Hemmati

Alex Hunt   

Emma Reed    

Rebecca Bryant



Our Nurse Practitioner Team offers some pre bookable and some same day appointments. They can deal with a range of issues such as minor illnesses and injuries.

Should you need medical advice, please contact reception. The receptionist will ask you the nature of your problem, please do share this with them. The receptionist will then be able to ensure your enquiry is dealt with by the most appropriate person, using guidelines approved by our GPs. Our Nurse Practitioners often have shorter waiting times that our GPs too.

Our qualified practice nurses deal with a wide range of conditions and health concerns. They carry out a variety of duties such as smears, injections, dressings etc. In addition to general nursing duties our practice nurses provide care for patients with chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, coronary heart disease and hypertension.

Our health care assistant and phlebotomist are important members of the nursing team who work under the supervision of a qualified nurse. Our phlebotomist takes blood whilst our health care assistant carries out well person checks and can take blood, check blood pressure, test urine, do Electrocardiograms (a heart test normally referred to as ECG) and undertake simple dressings.

Practice Support

First Contact Physio’s

Emma Downie

Pete Daffada

Clinical Pharmacists

Mita Chande

Rachel Howson

(Maternity leave)

Selina Khanom

Practice Management

If you wish to discuss administrative or non-medical aspects of your health treatment or if you have any ideas which will improve the services we provide, our managers are there to help you.

Our managers also deal with problems or complaints you may have to do with the practice.

Managing Partner

Maria Hartnell

Deputy Practice Manager

Lisa Kift

Care Navigation, Medical Secretaries & Summarisers

Our reception and admin staff are here to help you.

The receptionists have an important role within the surgery team. They are the first point of contact with the practice and their aim is to  direct you to the most appropriate service or appointment to meet your needs. Please help them by giving as much information as you can with regards to the issues you are experiencing.  As well as answering the telephones, booking appointments and giving out results, the team have a variety of other jobs to support other departments in the practice.
Our Medical Secretaries Team provide a wide range of support to both patients and the clinicians in the practice. They deal with referrals to other organisations such as hospitals, private sector and NHS services. They are actively involved in ensuring patients receive an efficient, integrated service between Primary and Secondary Care. Should you have any queries about a hospital referral, please telephone the surgery and ask to speak to the medical secretaries. They are available between 10.00am – 11.30am and 1.00pm – 2.30pm Monday to Friday.Please note that NHS waiting times in secondary care are beyond our control. Should you have any concerns about your wait for an appointment in the community or hospital, you will need to contact the clinic you have been referred to directly.


Our role in Summarisers is to be the first point of contact when receiving Registration forms for new patients joining the surgery. We ensure patient records are updated with full medical history and medications.

We also take on temporary patients for short term periods, normally up to three months should they have a medical emergency or needing urgent medication.

Prescription Team

Our role is to be the first point of contact for both medication related queries and for the accurate & timely manner of processing repeat prescriptions.  We also need to ensure that every patient is receiving a high quality of care regarding their medication as well as monitoring our high risk patients.  It is also our responsibility to provide patient education on medication ordering and advising them accordingly on the best way to order which will suit their individual needs.  As a main contact for enquiries, a good telephone manner and excellent communication skills are essential, which in turn helps to build good working relationships with our local community pharmacies.

Vision –Treat people the way we would like to be treated ourselves.

Aim – To improve patient & job satisfaction & practice sustainability.

Care Co-ordinators

The care co-ordinators are a team of individuals who have been employed by Green Valleys and have experience of dealing with many of our patients who we need to monitor.  You may hear from them if you have a respiratory condition such as COPD or Asthma, Diabetes and are here behind the scenes working with our nursing team to our patient’s needs.  This isn’t the only string to their bow they also take responsibility for running our annual Flu campaigns, NHS Health Checks ensuring Women’s Health is kept up so will be responsible for reminding you of your contraception dates, smear recall and much more.  They ensure that the paperwork needed for all your appointments is updated prior to your appointment and that any follow up is completed

District Nursing, Midwives and Health Visitors

Our district nurses and health visitors are attached to the practice, but are employed by Sirona Care and Health Community Interest Company (CIC)

The district nurses are responsible for providing skilled nursing care to our housebound patients. The team can be contacted on 0300 1256789.

If you are pregnant and need to make your first appointment with a midwife please complete an Antenatal Booking Form. If you do not have internet access, call 0117 414 6743 and leave a message.

The midwife team for our Downend patients can be contacted on 0117 3302517. The midwife team for our Yate patients can be contacted on 01454 315 355.

Health visitors offer advice and support for pre-school children and their families on all aspects of parenting and family health. The health visiting team for our Downend patients can be contacted on 0117 957 6908. The health visiting team for our Yate patients can be contacted on 01454 338 809.