Posted by: joharper - Posted on:

1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence – KNOW THE SIGNS:-

  1. Cuts you off from family & friends.
  2. Threatens to hurt you or people close to you if you leave.
  3. Monitors your movements.
  4. Criticises you constantly.
  5. Blames you for the abuse.
  6. Forces you to have sex.
  7. Controls your life, money, who you see & what you wear.
  8. Changes mood, suddenly from charmer – monster.
  9. Humiliates you in front of others.
  10. Says you’re useless & couldn’t copy without them.
  11. Intimidates you into doing what they want.
  12. Makes you change your behaviour to avoid making them angry.


National Domestic Abuse Helpline:-

Women – 0808 2000 247

Men – 0808 8010 327