Repeat Prescriptions

If you need to take medication on a regular basis your Doctor may decide to issue you with repeat prescriptions which will remove the necessity for you to be seen every time you need a fresh supply of medicines. All repeat prescriptions are produced on the Practice computer system and you will be given a repeat slip listing the medication that you can order without seeing the Doctor.

Online Prescriptions

We run a computerised system to issue repeat prescriptions which have already been agreed with your doctor.

Other Ways to Order Your Prescriptions

  1. By Post:
    Post the tear off slip indicating the medication you require to the surgery. If posting please remember to use a secure tracked postage service and give at least one weeks notice for a first class and longer if using second class.
  2. In Person:
    You can tick your requirements on the repeat slip or complete a prescription request form (which can be found in reception). Place completed form into the “Prescription Box” which is located in the reception area.
  3. Chemist:
    Arrange with a local chemist to request and collect your prescription.

Patients can either collect their prescription from the surgery or a chemist of their choice.

In order for prescriptions to be collected from a chemist, patients need to register at their chemist of choice for the ‘Prescription Collection Service’. Once the Chemist has agreed to collection on your behalf, Patients then need to instruct the Practice which must be in writing. Forms are available from most chemists.

Electronic Prescriptions Service

The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is an NHS service. It gives you the chance to change how your GP sends your prescription to the place you choose to get your medicines or appliances from. Find out how this could save, read the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) leaflet.

Non-urgent advice: Please Note

Due to the possibility of errors, requests for repeat prescriptions will not be taken over the telephone. Only those registered as Housebound can put their requests in via telephone.

When will my Prescription be ready?

Prescriptions will be ready for collection in three working days (longer by post) if you will be picking the prescription up from the surgery.

Request ReceivedScript Ready After 4pm
For Example
A script received on Tuesday before 4pm will be ready for collection
on Friday after 4pm.

Please request repeat prescriptions well in advance of public holidays, etc.

If you are going on holiday or there is a Bank holiday coming up, please order your repeat prescriptions earlier, still giving us the normal two working days to generate and get it checked and signed by the Doctors.

Please preempt ordering prescriptions to avoid medication running out.

If you are given 56 days of tablets and you have 7 days left, order your new prescription. In the case of any emergency your regular pharmacist will give you a couple of tablets until you get your new prescription.

It is good practice that repeat medication is regularly reviewed so that you get optimum care. Please make note of the review date and make an appointment to see the doctor.

If you are going on holiday you should take a list of your medication with you. In case you have a problem ENSURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH MEDICATION TO COVER YOUR HOLIDAY. SOME COUNTRIES ALSO NEED A DOCTOR’s LETTER TO EXPLAIN THE MEDICATION. Check with your travel agent.

If you have elderly relatives ensure that they have an adequate supply of their medication. Dossette boxes or blister packs can be arranged if they have a large amount of medication to take.

If you have any queries about the medication that you are taking or you suffer side effects from medication prescribed please speak to your Doctor.

For your wellbeing and safety the Doctors regularly review patients who are on repeat medication. This may be done when you see your Doctor for a normal consultation, or he or she may speak to you on the telephone. You may be asked to arrange an appointment with the Doctor for the review to take place, in this case please arrange to see your Doctor in good time before the medication runs out.

The NHS prescription charge is a flat rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can’t afford to pay for their medicines. Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need a lot of medication.

Prescription charges and Prescription Prepayment Certificates (PPC).

Prescription charges and who does not need to pay.

Non-urgent advice: Useful Information

Each drug has two names, the generic and the brand name. Where possible we use the generic name because this is usually much cheaper for the health service. Due to this, you may notice a change in colour, shape or size of your drug. Do not be concerned by this, you are still receiving the same drug of the same quality, it is only the appearance that has altered. Should you have any queries please contact the surgery on 0117 9576470 option 2 between the hours of 10.00am – 12.00pm.